Care & Support

When a parish member is in crisis or need, our Pastoral Care team is notified, and they are immediately added to our parish prayer list, so that all may pray; in addition, we determine if they need material help (such as transportation, rides, meals, help around the house or just moral support) and respond.

Our clergy team meets weekly to pray for and focus on the special needs of congregation members and visits them, especially those who are ill at home, in a care facility, or in hospice.

Our clergy team is available for private confession, spiritual support, and healing prayers.  

The Healing Prayer team members work in conjunction with clergy to pray for healing with parishioners together and at our services. They reach out to parishioners in need with cards, phone calls, and a palm-size cross. 

We offer hands-on healing prayer stations on third Sundays of the month in church; and we hold special healing masses twice yearly with a litany of healing.  

We schedule prayer and reflection services for people to gather in hard or bittersweet times: for those who find Christmas sad; when Mother’s Day is difficult to bear; or a time of crisis in our national life. 


Our Knitters

Our knitters (Knit Wits) create warming prayer shawls that are shared with love to church members, family, and friends who are in need of comfort. 

To combat isolation and loneliness, we have trained dozens of parishioners to learn how to connect with their friends at St. John via Zoom.

Reach Out

We would love to hear from you. Let us know your need and/or how we can pray for you.